An Introduction


Lessons for Foldscope developed by Open Minds Social Innovation Lab

All content is free. 

Our Story:
The Open Mind Social Innovation Lab is a space where innovators can gather feedback and data on their products in a k-12 inclusive lab school and student voices are elevated in the design and research processes that impact them. We connected with Foldscope, drawn in by their affordable classroom paper microscopes and were one of the pilot locations for their product. With the success of their pilot at Open Mind School, Shein approached the lab with the idea to develop free science curriculum to go along with Foldscope so that educators could more easily utilize the tool. 

Why we are doing this: 
The Open Mind Social Innovation Lab is housed in Open Minds, Silicon Valley, a non-profit dedicated to disrupting education and building new pathways towards inclusion, equity and accessibility. Every student inherently deserves access to strong STEM education no matter their background. Developing STEM tools that lower economic barriers like Foldscope has allows more students to access strong experiences in STEM. We believe in that mission and will support it by creating free curriculum for educators. 

Who are we:

Shein: Photo and brief description

Eric Kellenberger

Eric Kellenberger is a user experience (UX) researcher with an interest in educational and assistive technologies. He also teaches and supports Open Mind
School's students K-12. He enjoys drawing, reading, soccer, theater, and games in his free time.




Matt Jacobs has worn many hats at Open Minds, Silicon Valley with a strong background in cognitive research. When founder Marina Vaserman decided to build the Social Innovation Lab, she asked Matt to spearhead the lab's development. He continues to consult for the lab today. 



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