How to use this resource

 How to use this resource?

This post has some practical information on how to use the curriculum developed on this platform. All of the content is free to use,  and designed to supplement science curriculum with practical applications of the Foldscope microscope. All the material will work with any microscope of course. You are free to copy and manipulate the material in anyway you like (as long as it is not commercially sold). 

Who makes these lessons and can I contribute?

The lessons have been made the team behind the project. The project has been completed by volunteers and by the backing of the Open Mind Social Innovation Lab. 

If you are interested in building lessons for the blog, we are currently working on a tool that will auto-format lessons into our template. Feel free to reach out to or for more information.

What global curriculum are these lessons based on and what goals do they cover? 

How are these lessons licensed and how am I allowed to use them?

 Attribution-NonCommerical 4.o International (CC BY-NC 4.0)

You are free to use the material however you like as long as it isn't sold. 


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